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Welcome To
Nourish Your Life


   A Resource for Self Care Enthusiasts



                                                                                            because self care is true health care

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – but in being able to remake ourselves.”– Mahatma Gandhi 

Educational Courses

Circles of Support


About Us

Finding Healing Through Connection

The Nourish Your Life Courses and Circles were developed in response to a universal desire to reconnect.

Reconnect to the earth. Reconnect to each other, Reconnect to ourselves.

Wholism (or holism)

Embracing the whole of being. The dark, the light, the joy and the pain. All are interconnected; we are all of these at once. True healing requires acceptance and integration of all parts. 


Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrix naturae)

Because we are part of nature, we have the innate ability to heal. Basic nutrition, a pure environment, clean water, and rest are crucial components of health.


Plants are medicine

The earth provides both nutrients and supportive medicine in phytochemicals that interact as needed with our own biochemistry.



Flower Buds


Educational Courses (8 weeks)

N.o.u.r.i.s.h. Guidelines for self care/wellness


Plants Are Nutrition Basics of plant based diet


The Body's Wisdom/Preserving Immunity Immune balance and natural detoxification


Be the Medicine Self Care Practicum/ deeper dive into the body's wisdom 

Circles of Support (4 weeks)

Hot Moms Finding the you underneath the mom;
healing and honoring your motherhood journey

Exploring Energy gentle intro to energy medicine
through tapping, self reiki, and meditation

Breathing Together weekly support for integrating
healthy breathing practices into your day

Taking that Step support for making a difficult but
necessary change; an exploration into moving past self
imposed barriers to what you want

Contact Us

All are welcome. Please reach out if you are interested or have questions about any of the upcoming offerings. 


Paper Heart

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